Privacy Policy.

The WIZZL Privacy Policy was updated on July 12, 2023

The policy below outlines how Nth Degree Games manages player information for the WIZZL word game app. At present, the WIZZL app does not include ads or any paid features; thus, the nature of any information collection and transmission strictly pertains to the functionality of the game and its ancillary features (i.e. leader board functionality and word list download). The specifics of how the WIZZL app handles data is described below. By using the WIZZL app, you consent to this Privacy Policy.

Personal information

Personal information, also known as personally identifiable information or personal data, is information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context.

  • If you have contacted Nth Degree Games with questions about WIZZL (or for any reason), we do not store your email address or the information contained within the correspondence itself in any capacity other than to respond to the inquiry. Specifics regarding email retention are outlined below in the Retention and Deletion section of the Privacy Policy.

  • This information will never be shared with any third parties except potentially in the specific cases outlined in the section ‘Disclosure to Third Parties’.

Non-personal information we collect and use

Non-personal information is data which, on its own, cannot be used to personally identify a single person. We do not combine non-personal information in any attempt to personally identify a single person.

  • Upon downloading the WIZZL app, the game generates a unique User ID that is stored within the app itself. This User ID is used strictly for leader board functionality and is not associated with any personal information other than a name provided by the player that will appear next to their score on the leader board. This user inputted name can be changed at any time; however, in the event that a user deletes the WIZZL app from their phone and subsequently reinstalls the WIZZL app, a new User ID will be generated and the user will no longer have the ability to change the leader board name associated with their previous User ID.

Other technologies

WIZZL uses remotely stored dictionary data to update word lists within the app. This dictionary data is stored on a remote server.

  • WIZZL uses a remote server to store various dictionaries used for the the functionality of the game. Each time the app is opened, the app will attempt to update its internally stored dictionaries by downloading the most up to date dictionaries from the remote server via HTTPS.

Disclosure to Third Parties

At present, we do not collect any information that can be traced back to a specific user. In the case of a future merger, sale, or partnership, we may transfer any leader board information and access to out remote dictionary database to the relevant third party.


  • Any data our apps retrieves from remote databases are transferred via HTTPS.

Retention and Deletion

Correspondences via email may be retained for posterity purposes for any period of time. Since we do not generate or store user accounts, we cannot delete them at your request because they do not exist. Likewise, with respect to requests for the data stored on a user account, we cannot provide this because it does not exist. Lastly, individual leader board entries cannot be deleted, as we have no way of associating a given leader board entry with a specific user.

Minor Data

Because we do not collect personal information and information in general, there is no special policy for minors.

Privacy Questions

For any questions or concerns you may have about this Privacy Policy, you may contact us.

Nth Degree Games may occasionally make changes to this Privacy Policy. Changes will be reflected on this page, as well as the Apple App Store and Google Play Stores, along with the date the last changes were made.